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Науковими та науково-педагогічними працівниками Університету упродовж 2024 року опубліковано низку робіт у виданнях, що індексуються у наукометричних базах даних Scopus і Web of Science. (Діаграма 1)
Діаграма 1
До таблиці 1 також включено публікації, які були опубліковані у попередні роки, але проіндексовані у наукометричних базах даних у 2024 р.
Таблиця 1
Список наукових праць науково-педагогічних працівників у наукових виданнях, проіндексованих у наукометричних базах даних
Scopus і Web of Science
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Автори | Назва роботи | Назва видання | Том, номер, випуск, перша- остання сторінки роботи | |
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41. | Podpriatova N., Kunakh O., Zhukov O. | Which index is better for assessing the success of reclamation: Naturalness or hemeroby? | Biosystems Diversity | 2024. Vol. 32, № 1. P. 30–42. https://doi.org/10.15421/012403 | |
42. | Lisovets O., Khrystov O., Kunakh O., Zhukov O. | Application of hemeroby and naturalness indicators for monitoring the aquatic macrophyte communities in protected areas | Biosystems Diversity | 2024, 32 (2), pp. 270–277 https://doi.org/10.15421/012429 | |
43. | Stefanovska T., Skwierzc A., Zhukov O., Pidlisnyuk V. | Soil nematodes as a monitoring tool of bioenergy crop production management: The case of Miscanthus giganteus cultivation on different soil types | Biosystems Diversity | 2024, 32 (2), pp. 217–224 https://doi.org/10.15421/012423 | |
44. | Olga Kunakh, Oleksandr Zhukov | Spatial organization of the soil macrofauna community of an oak forest in the steppe zone of Ukraine | Біологічні студії / Studia Biologica | Vol. 18, No 3, 2024, pp. 99-120 http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.1803.779 | |
45. | Kunakh O., Ivanko I., Holoborodko K., Zhukov O. | A spontaneous spread of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.): the importance of seed and vegetative reproduction | Folia Oecologica |
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46. | Skwiercz A., Stefanovska T., Zhukov O., Zapałowska A., Masłoń A. | Effect of silver nanoparticles and vermicompost on the control of Longidorus elongatus (De Man, 1876) in Miscanthus × giganteus and Its growth and development | Sustainability | Vol. 16, No 18, 2024, 8093, pp. 1-13 https://doi.org/10.3390/su16188093 | |
47. | Ruchiy V., Khrystov O., Kunakh O., Zhukov O. | Morphological and functional diversity of floodplain water bodies and their classification according to the structure of the surrounding vegetation cover | Biosystems Diversity | 2024. Vol. 32, № 1. P. 60–72. https://doi.org/10.15421/012406 | |
48. | Alexeyeva A., Holoborodko K., Ivanko I., Zhukov O., Loza I. | Characteristics of powdery mildew [Sawadaea bicornis (Wallr.) Miyabe] influence on the photosynthetic process in Norway maple (Acer platanoides L. seedlings | Journal of Forest Science |
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49. | Zhukov O., Kunakh O., Ruchiy V., Khrystov O. | Influence of the functional and morphological features of floodplain water bodies on the indicators of water quality | International Journal of Environmental Studies |
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50. | Kunakh O., Lisovets O., Podpriatova N., Zhukov O. | Plant community hemeroby is a reliable indicator of the dynamics of reclamation of lands disturbed by mining | Ekológia (Bratislava) | 2024, 43(1), 43–53 https://doi.org/10.2478/eko-2024-0005 | |
51. | StefanovskaT., Skwiercz A., Pidlisnyuk V., Boroday V., Medkow A., Zhukov O. | Effect of the biostimulants of microbiological origin on the entomopathogenic and plant parasitic nematodes from Miscanthus × giganteus plantations | Journal of Horticultural Research | 2024, vol. 32, issue 1, pp. 13-24 https://doi.org/10.2478/johr-2024-0003 | |
52. | Molozhon K.O., Lisovets O.I., Kunakh O.M., Zhukov O.V. | The structure of beta-diversity explains why the relevance of phytoindication increases under the influence of park reconstruction | Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems |
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53. | Trifanova M., Zadorozhna G., Novitsky R., Ponomarenko O., Makhina V., Khrystov O., Ruchiy V., Zhukov O. | How much space is needed for biodiversity conservation? | Biosystems Diversity | 2023. Vol. 31, № 4. P. 521–534. https://doi.org/10.15421/012362 | |
54. | Shupranova L., Holoborodko K., Zhukov O., Loza I., Pakhomov O., Domnich V. | Effects of Parectopa robiniella Clemens (Gracillariidae) on the antioxidant defense system of Robinia pseudoacacia L. trees of different ages | Taiwan Journal of Forest Science | 2023. Vol. 38, № 3. P. 249–263 https://doi.org/10.7075/TJFS.202309_38(3).0005 | |
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56. | Kharytonov M., Martynova N., Holoborodko, K., Babenko M., Alexeyeva A., Zhukov O. | Photosynthetic activity of sweet sorghum fertilised by sewage sludge | International Journal of Environmental Studies | 2023. P. 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207233.2023.2287346 | |
57. | Kunakh O., Lisovets O., Zhukov O. | Hemeroby and naturalness differ in spatial patterns: the case of aquatic macrophytes | International Journal of Environmental Studies | 2024, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207233.2024.2379117 | |
58. | Lisovets O., Ruchiy V., Kunakh O., Zhukov O. | The morphological and functional traits of water bodies enhance the explanatory power of directed spatial processes in predicting the variation of macrophyte communities under the conditions of river flow regulation | River Research and Applications | 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.4346 | |
59. | Zhukov O., Trifanova M., Zadorozhna G., Novitsky R., Ponomarenko O., Makhina V., Khrystov O., Ruchiy V. | How much space is needed for biodiversity conservation? | Biosystems Diversity | 2023. Vol. 31, № 4. P. 521–534. https://doi.org/10.15421/012362 | |
60. | Zhukov O., Molozhon K.O., Lisovets O.I., Kunakh O.M. | Increased soil penetration resistance drives degrees of hemeroby in vegetation of urban parks | Biosystems Diversity | 2023. Vol. 31, № 4. https://doi.org/10.15421/012349 | |
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